As today is the last day of the year I want to end the year the same way I did last year, with a list of the best books I read this year. Actually this list contains all books I gave 5 stars this year. In total I have read 143 books this year, from those I gave 17 books a 5 star rating this year. Last year I had 26 books on this list. I think I have become even more difficult with dealing out those 5 stars. On the other hand I did gave 70 books a 4 star rating.
– Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1) by Laini Taylor – Goodreads – My Review
Tell me what are your favourite books from this year? Are there books on my list that where also some of your favourites this year? Or are there books on my list that you didn’t like at all?
Some of these I haven’t heard of and will have to check out. But I never got to read Camp Boyfriend or the Darkness Rising series like I wanted to. Might have to add them to my summer reading list!
70 books is fantastic. I was able to get through 66 books.
Have a great new year 🙂
Because reading is better than real life
Well actually I read 143 books and from those 70 where 4 star books and 17 where 5 stars, so while I do enjoy a lot of books I don’t give out many 5 star rating.
And Camp Boyfriend and the Darkness Rising series are both really good! I hope you’ll pick them up. Camp Boyfriend is perfect for summer reader as it takes place during camp in summer. Also there are two free novella’s which you can pick up to gat a feel for the writing style: Camp Kiss and Camp Christmas.
Call me biased… but I love the list :-). Congrats on all those books read in 2013!! I hope 2014 brings you lots of happiness and good things!
Thanks Joanne! I love this list too ;). I hope 2014 will be a great year for you! And let’s hope Camp Payback will be on this list next year :).
Call me biased… but I love the list :-). Congrats on all those books read in 2013!! I hope 2014 brings you lots of happiness and good things!
I gave 5 stars to all of David’s books, and Boundless as well! I give out 5 stars a lot more easily I think! So so many favorites this year! These Broken Stars and Crown of Midnight come to mind!
I gave most of David’s book either a 4 or a 5 star. I just realised the cover of the Earth dwellers is missing in this post, will go and fix that now.